Brass Thermal Diamond


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

Replacing the PowerBook G4, the MacBook Pro was the second model, after the iMac, to be announced in the Apple-Intel transition.

You mean it controls your actions?



Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV.

Replacing the PowerBook G4, the MacBook Pro was the second model, after the iMac, to be announced in the Apple-Intel transition.

It runs Apple’s iOS mobile operating system.

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

You mean it controls your actions?